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Sunday, October 17, 2010

Would you like to have your own design header on your blog???

For those who would like to have your design header on your blog but don't have the expertise to do one by yourself... I highly recommend you to visit He provides design header service. All you got to do is give him a design that you personally created using paint software or you draw it in paper, scan it and send it to him by email. Later, he can design it the way you wanted... As for the fee for his service, he has to look at the design first before quoting the price. Here is an example of his work:

This was the sample given by his client

He transformed it into this...

Pretty cool, huh...

Kontest ni disponsor oleh saudara Faiz dengan menggunakan khidmat domain daripada iHosterz dan diperhebatkan lagi oleh Cikgu DaHLia.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

pemenang dah diumumkan...
