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Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Almond oil is great for skin

I'm 30 this year!!! But the good thing is, not many know that I'm 30. Some are even surprise when they find out. They usually guess my age to be 5 to 6 years younger... i'm flattered... Of course, the compliment comes because of my hard work.

I started to take care of my skin at the age of 14. I don't touch my pimples when I have one. My siblings love to pinch them out... But I don't dare to do it coz I know that it will create a scar for life... I always make sure that I wear the best skincare. No chemical.

Lately, I've been into pure skincare products. I've read in books and websites that almond oil is great for dry skin. So, I invested in sweet almond oil (bought in Fremantle, Perth). I'm using it daily before I go to bed. I've just used it for 2 days, so far i can see that it has reduced my dark eye circle. How am I using it??

1. Place a drop of the oil on your palm.
2. Rub your palms together and massage your face with it.
3. Massage for at least 10 minutes.
4. U can go to sleep (It is best if you just leave the oil on ur face, don't take it off)

Please be reminded that, u follow the contour of your face when u massage, don't pull or drag your skin. If you are still young, say below 25 years old, you can shape your face if you massage correctly. I have high cheek bones now because i massaged.

Oh, yeah... now, I have glowing skin, thanks to the oil... i can apply makeup easily and it lasts longer too...

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